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Filmovi na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 382

  • Našli smo 5341 rezultata.
  • Žanr: misterija
  • The Girl in the Kremlin

    The Girl in the Kremlin (1957)

    drama, misterija, film noir

    In 1953, Soviet dictator Stalin fakes his own death, undergoes plastic surgery and vanishes but OSS agent Steve Anderson searches for him in Europe.
  • The Girl on the Train

    The Girl on the Train (2021)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterija, triler

    An alcoholic divorcee takes the train daily to work which passes by a house she lived in and one day when something bad happens, she decides to investigate and become entangled in the process which...
  • The Haunted Mansion

    The Haunted Mansion (2003)

    misterija, porodični, komedija, fantazija, horor

    Jedne noći, Jima Eversa (Eddie Murphy), posrednika za prodaju nekretnina i njegovu suprugu i poslovnu partnericu Saru (Marsha Thomason) nazove Edward Gracey (Nathaniel Parker) koji želi prodati svoje...
  • The Haunting of Sorority Row

    The Haunting of Sorority Row (2007)

    misterija, horor

    A college freshman suspects there is something sinister about the prestigious sorority to which she decided to pledge. She comes to find out that there is a mystery surrounding the disappearance of a...
  • The Moth Diaries

    The Moth Diaries (2011)

    drama, misterija, horor

    Radnja filma prati Rebeccu, mladu djevojku koju progoni očevo samoubistvo. Njeno prijateljstvo sa prijateljicom Lucy biva poljuljano kada u školu dolazi misteriozna Ernessa. Lucy pada pod njen...
  • The Rival

    The Rival (2006)

    kriminalistički, misterija, triler

    Alice Miller (T. Nelson) bila je udana i trudna kad je pljačkaš bankomata pucao u nju i muža. Muž je poginuo, a zbog ranjavanja njoj je učinjena histerektomija. Mnogo kasnije Alice se ponovno udala i...
  • The Stranger

    The Stranger (2014)

    drama, misterija, triler, horor

    A mysterious man arrives in a small American town seeking his wife, though his presence plunges the community into a bloodbath.
  • The Wolf Hour

    The Wolf Hour (2019)

    drama, misterija, triler

    Psihološki triler/drama u kojoj za Oscara nominovana Naomi Watts portretira agorafobičnu June Leigh, ženu koja je nekada bila poznata osoba i ikona kulture, a koja sada živi sama u stanu svoje...
  • The Wrong Bed: Naked Pursuit

    The Wrong Bed: Naked Pursuit (2017)

    drama, misterija, triler

    After losing her job at an insurance company, Stella Williams wakes up in a hotel handcuffed to sexy firefighter Owen Michaels. Messages they left themselves the night before reveal that their lives...
  • Ties That Bind

    Ties That Bind (2010)

    kriminalistički, misterija, triler

    Hope Webster mora svoje udobno življenje v predmestju nenadno zamenjati za mestni vrvež v New Yorku. Urediti mora namreč zadeve svoje prijateljice Rachel, ki je bila pred kratkim umorjena. Vendar pa...
  • Tin & Tina

    Tin & Tina (2023)

    misterija, triler, horor

    Nakon tragičnog pobačaja, Lola i njen suprug Adolfo usvajaju Tina i Tinu, ljupkog brata i sestru sa ultrakatoličkim obrazovanjem koje ih tera da doslovno tumače Svetu Bibliju...
  • Tommy

    Tommy (2014)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterija, triler

    Tjedan uoči Božića Estelle sleti u zračnu luku Arlanda. Godinu prije ona je pobjegla iz Stockholma zajedno sa svojim mužem Tommyjem i njihovom kćeri, nakon što je Tommy sudjelovao u jednoj od...
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