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Filmovi na, stranica 2114

  • Našli smo 36683 rezultata.
  • Žanr: drama
  • By Way of the Stars

    By Way of the Stars (1992)

    drama, porodični, avantura

    Prusija 1865. godine, gradić Liebenberg. Trinaestogodišnji Lucas Bienmann (Z. Bennett) ispomaže u štalama na plemićkom imanju. Njegova majka šiva haljine za barunicu (D. Sanda), a njegov otac slikar...
  • Candyman

    Candyman (1992)

    drama, fantazija, horor

    Film koji se bavi urbanom legendom i sam je potakao zanimljivu priču: snimajući scenu susreta Virginije Madsen s legendarnim ubojicom, Candymanom, redatelj je navodno dao hipnotizirati glumicu, ne bi...
  • Careful

    Careful (1992)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni, horor

    The wary residents of a 19th century mountain village must tread carefully and speak softly lest they cause an avalanche. Sexual frenzies teem in this world of repression, setting off incestuous love...
  • Céline

    Céline (1992)


    At 22, Céline receives several shocks: her father dies and she learns she was adopted; she rejects her inheritance, so her fiancé jilts her. She's suicidal. A nurse sees her weeping in public and...
  • Center of the Web

    Center of the Web (1992)

    drama, kriminalistički, akcija

    An actor (John Phillips) is wrongly taken as a professional killer by a band planning to murder the Governor. Then he is hired by the Security Dept. to try to unmask and to catch the leaders.
  • C'est arrivé près de chez vous

    C'est arrivé près de chez vous (1992)

    drama, kriminalistički, komedija, horor

    Dokumentaristi André i Rémy pronašli su idealnog protagonista za svoj novi biografski film: Ben je elegantnan, duhovit, šarmantan – i serijski ubojica. Pun je pronicljivih ideja o umjetnosti...
  • Chaplin

    Chaplin (1992)

    biografski, drama, komedija

    Od života u Engleskoj do izuzetnog uspjeha u Americi, film slijedi njegov život, stvaralaštvo, ljubav. Dok je lik koji je stvorio na filmu potpuno neponovljiv u svojoj komičnosti, čovjeka koji stoji...
  • Chekist

    Chekist (1992)


    Radnja filma se odvija u strašno vreme „crvenog terora“ kada su bez suda i istrage uništeni milioni života. U centru priče se nalazi čekista Srubov, prvi čovek gubernijske Čeke, kroz čiji lik je...
  • Christopher Columbus: The Discovery

    Christopher Columbus: The Discovery (1992)

    biografski, drama, avantura

    Genoese navigator overcomes intrigue in the court of King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain and gains financing for his expedition to the East Indies.
  • Citizen Cohn

    Citizen Cohn (1992)


    In the 50's, the ambitious and unscrupulous Jewish prosecutor Roy Marcus Cohn convinces Senator Joseph McCarthy to be his Chief Counselor in his hunting against communists. The arrogant Cohn destroys...
  • City of Joy

    City of Joy (1992)


    Riječ je o prijateljstvu Amerikanca i čovjeka iz vrlo siromašne zemlje te o buđenju političke i socijalne svijesti u onome iz najbogatije zemlje svijeta. "Grad radosti" djelomice je i gotovo...
  • Claire of the Moon

    Claire of the Moon (1992)

    drama, ljubavni

    Female authors gather at a small northern coastal retreat to work on their writing skills. A first-time guest who lives for the moment finds herself struggling with her sexuality after discovering...

