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Filmovi na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 2839

  • Našli smo 35872 rezultata.
  • Žanr: drama
  • Comanche blanco

    Comanche blanco (1968)

    drama, vestern

    Vestern o kauboju Johnnyju Moonu (W. Shatner) i njegovom nemilosrdnom bratu blizancu, Notahu (W. Shatner). Notah voli drogu iz pejotl kaktusa pa mu padaju lude ideje na pamet. Smatra se mesijom...
  • Cool and the Crazy

    Cool and the Crazy (1994)

    drama, akcija, triler

    Unhappily married couple Roslyn and Michael lead separate affairs that lead to violent repercussions for all.
  • Dead Sexy

    Dead Sexy (2001)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterija, triler

    Jedan od tragova serijskih ubistava je marka karmina koju su sve žrtve koristile. Detektivki Kejt (Shannon Tweed) to nije dovoljno. Upušta se u igru pod maskom prostitutke u visokom društvu da bi...
  • Deadland

    Deadland (2009)

    drama, akcija, naučna fantastika, triler

    Gde će te vi biti...šta ćete raditi... i kako ćete zaštiti voljene u post-apokaliptičnom svetu? Ovaj sci-fi akcioni triler vas vodi kroz slike SAD uništene nuklearnim napadima tokom III Svetskog...
  • Deadly Embrace

    Deadly Embrace (1989)

    drama, triler

    The pulsating, passion-driven story of a man, his wife, and the lovers they play their nasty cat and mouse games with. Like repelling magnets, obsessive passion drives them apart as a psychotic lust...
  • Deathsport

    Deathsport (1978)

    drama, akcija, naučna fantastika

    Futuristic Science Fiction about a sport to the death, using "destructocycles".
  • Detonator

    Detonator (2003)

    drama, akcija, triler

    Osramoćeni agent FBI-ja Beau Stoddard sad je nezadovoljni inspektor u pošti, ali kad niz bombi u pošti zasije strah Los Angelesom i ugrozi međunarodno prvenstvo u hokeju, mora se vratiti u akciju...
  • Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype

    Dr. Heckyl and Mr. Hype (1980)

    drama, komedija, horor

    An ugly, misshapen podiatrist ingests a formula made by a colleague and turns into a handsome, devil-may-care (but violent) ladies' man.
  • Fatal Skies

    Fatal Skies (1990)

    drama, akcija, triler

    A ruthless businessman plots to dump toxic waste into the water supply of a small town. It's up to a small group of innocent sky-diving teenagers who accidentally land inside the walls of his...
  • Fatwa

    Fatwa (2006)

    drama, triler

    Megi Dejvidson političarka je zadužena da omogući građanima Amerike da se osećaju bezbedno u svojoj zemlji. Ona, naime, ima zadatak da stane na put terorističkim grupama. Posle jedne uspešno završene...
  • Fifty Shades of Grey

    Fifty Shades of Grey (2015)

    drama, ljubavni, triler

    On je lijep, šarmantan, bogat i… neobično maštovit. Ovog savršenog muškarca vojska okorjelih obožavateljica do sada je mogla samo sanjati, no napokon je stigao i trenutak kada će gospodina Greya moći...
  • Fu ji

    Fu ji (1978)

    drama, akcija

    An undercover cop has been assigned to bust up a narcotics ring but comes up against the mob's hired martial arts assassin. Both men are the best in their field and in a battle to the death, only one...

