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Filmovi na, stranica 229

  • Našli smo 2750 rezultata.
  • Žanr: istorijski
  • Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei

    Gli ultimi giorni di Pompei (1926)

    drama, istorijski

    Epic, melodramatic and rather risque adaptation of the British novel about ancient Roman decadence, culminates in the eruption of a nearby volcano.
  • Old Ironsides

    Old Ironsides (1926)

    drama, istorijski

    An American fighting ship battles Barbary pirates in the Mediterranean in the 18th century.
  • Bronenosets Potemkin

    Bronenosets Potemkin (1925)

    drama, istorijski, triler

    Drama. Na oklopnjači koja je u Crnom moru pobunili su se mornari zbog pokvarene hrane. Kazna za pobunu je smrt, što izazove revolt koji završi preuzimanjem broda... Ovaj nijemi crno-bijeli klasik...
  • The Iron Horse

    The Iron Horse (1924)

    istorijski, ljubavni, vestern

    Springfield, Illionis, prva polovica 19. stoljeća. Dvojica muškaraca razgovaraju o izgradnji željeznice koja će povezati atlantsku i pacifičku obalu SAD-a, dok se njihova djeca igraju. Prvi muškarac...
  • Das Weib des Pharao

    Das Weib des Pharao (1922)

    drama, istorijski

    The Ethiopian King Samlak offers his daughter Makeda to the powerful Pharaoh Amenes in order to secure peace between the two countries. What was intended as a political move ends as a debacle...
  • Nathan der Weise

    Nathan der Weise (1922)

    drama, istorijski

  • Otets Sergiy

    Otets Sergiy (1918)

    biografski, drama, istorijski

    Prince Kasatsky is a just and proud youth, shock and disappointment with the world bring him to church, he becomes father Sergius. It is a story of his piety and temptation.
  • Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages

    Intolerance: Love's Struggle Throughout the Ages (1916)

    drama, istorijski

    Dramski spektakl kroz četiri priče o netrpeljivosti kroz stoljeća. U Padu Babilona prikazana je urota protiv plemenitog kraljevića; u Nazarećaninu sukob Isusa s farizejima i njegovo raspeće; u...
  • The Birth of a Nation

    The Birth of a Nation (1915)

    drama, istorijski, ratni

    "Rođenje jedne nacije" je slavna, ali i kontroverzna američka crno-bijela nijema povijesna drama. To je kronika odnosa dviju obitelji, kroz nekoliko godina koje uključuju i građanski rat...
  • Cabiria

    Cabiria (1914)

    drama, istorijski, avantura, ratni

    Three centuries before Christus. Young Cabiria is kidnapped by some pirates during one eruption of the Etna. She is sold as a slave in Carthage, and as she is just going to be sacrificed to god...
  • Independenta Romaniei

    Independenta Romaniei (1912)

    istorijski, ratni

    The movie depicts the Romanian War of Independence (1877-1878).
  • The Sealed Room

    The Sealed Room (1909)

    drama, istorijski, kratki, triler, horor

    In this movie suggested by Poe's "A Cask of Amontillado", The king constructs a cozy, windowless love-nest for himself and his concubine. However, she is not faithful to her sovereign, but consorts...
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