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Filmovi na, stranica 1659

  • Našli smo 20024 rezultata.
  • Žanr: komedija
  • Easy Street

    Easy Street (1917)

    kratki, komedija

    When Charlie the Tramp wanders into a mission he is smitten by Edna and puts back the collection box which he has taken. Reformed, he becomes a policeman and is assigned to rough-and-tumble Easy...
  • The Adventurer

    The Adventurer (1917)

    kratki, komedija

    Charlie escapes from prison. After rescuing a girl and her mother from drowning, Charlie is invited to their home where a big party is held and he is treated like a hero. However, as a result...
  • The Cure

    The Cure (1917)

    kratki, komedija

    Čarli odlazi u banju sa lekovitom vodom da bi se lečio od alkoholizma, ali sa sobom nosi i sanduk sa alkoholnim pićima. Kada uprava banje greškom baci Čarlijeva alkoholna pića u izvor lekovite...
  • The Immigrant

    The Immigrant (1917)

    drama, kratki, komedija, ljubavni

    Dobrodušni imigrant 1917. godine brodom plovi prema Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Među putnicima na brodu su i mlada imigrantica te njezina bolesna majka koja će ubrzo postati žrtvom pljačke. Kad...
  • A Movie Star

    A Movie Star (1916)

    kratki, komedija

    Neposredno pred projekciju u lokalnom bioskopu, pojavljuje prva zvezda upravo tog filma. On igra neustrašivog junaka u tom filmu ali publika jsno pokazuje da njegova gluma nije dovoljno ubedljiva.
  • Behind the Screen

    Behind the Screen (1916)

    kratki, komedija, ljubavni

    Three movies are being shot simultaneously and Charlie is an overworked scene shifter. The foreman is waited on hand and foot until all the shifters but Charlie go on strike. A girl looking for work...
  • Dödskyssen

    Dödskyssen (1916)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterija, komedija, triler

    Dr Monro je nađen mrtav u svojoj kući. Troje ljudi saslušano je od strane policije...
  • I guanti di Gigetta

    I guanti di Gigetta (1916)

    kratki, komedija

  • Luke's Movie Muddle

    Luke's Movie Muddle (1916)

    kratki, komedija

    Bioskop, večernja projekcija, smotani kinooperater... I projekcija može da počne.
  • One A.M.

    One A.M. (1916)

    kratki, porodični, komedija

    After a night on the town, Charlie comes home to the house where he is staying, drunk and unable to find his key. For the next twenty minutes he staggers into, out of, and through the house in an...
  • The Count

    The Count (1916)

    kratki, komedija

    Charlie burns a count's trousers while ironing them and is fired. The tailor finds an invitation to dinner at Miss Moneybags and goes in place of the count. Charlie goes to the kitchen of the same...
  • The Fireman

    The Fireman (1916)

    kratki, komedija

    Charlie is a fireman who always does everything wrong. A man talks the Fire Chief into ignoring his burning home (he wants the insurance money) unaware that his daughter (the love of the Chief) is...

