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Filmovi na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 360

  • Našli smo 4638 rezultata.
  • Žanr: fantazija
  • The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption

    The Scorpion King 3: Battle for Redemption (2012)

    akcija, fantazija, avantura

    Smrtonosna kuga okončat će vladavinu kralja Mathayusa (Victor Webster) i uzeti život njegovoj supruzi i kraljici. Zbog katastrofe koja je zavladala zemljom Mathayus će još jednom postati plaćenik...
  • The Swan Princess Christmas

    The Swan Princess Christmas (2012)

    animirani, porodični, fantazija, mjuzikl

    Princess Odette, Prince Derek and their trusted woodland friends return for their first Christmas celebration! But, with the villainous Rothbart striving to destroy Christmas itself, will they be...
  • Andy Colby's Incredible Adventure

    Andy Colby's Incredible Adventure (1989)

    fantazija, naučna fantastika, avantura

    Andy Colby is doomed to another typical day of babysitting. But this day is anything but typical when Andy's little sister is pulled through the TV and Andy is sent on an incredibly awesome adventure...
  • Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan

    Axe Giant: The Wrath of Paul Bunyan (2013)

    fantazija, horor

    Mladi prestupnici u svom popravnom kampu otkrivaju da je legenda o džinovskom drvoseči po imenu Paul Bunyan - istinita! Međutim, ona je mnogo strašnija nego što su ikada i pomišljali...
  • Dragon Dynasty

    Dragon Dynasty (2006)

    fantazija, avantura

    Fantastična avantura u kojoj europski istraživač otkriva Kinu i susreće dva neprijateljski raspoložena zmaja odlučna eliminirati stranu prijetnju.
  • Dragonworld: The Legend Continues

    Dragonworld: The Legend Continues (1999)

    porodični, fantazija, avantura

    In the remote Scottish Highlands, a place steeped in myth and mystery, there lives a boy wizard. His name is John McGowen and his only true friend is Yowler, the last dragon on Earth. But Yowler is...
  • Flay

    Flay (2017)

    drama, misterija, fantazija, triler, horor

    Nakon smrti majke, otuđena ćerka bori se da spasi svog brata, kao i one u njenoj blizini, od zla koje se nadvilo od strane tajanstvenog bića...
  • Hellborn

    Hellborn (2003)

    fantazija, horor

    James Bishop is a young psychology resident, excited about his new job at St. Andrews Mental Hospital and the chance to help severely ill patients. The excitement changes to puzzlement, concern and...
  • House IV

    House IV (1992)

    fantazija, triler, horor

    Mladi otac gine u saobračajnoj nesreći. Strava obuzima pamćenje njegove kćerke i udovice. Panični strah se useljava u njihovu viktorijansku kuću. Serija tragičnih događaja tek slijedi...
  • Metamorphosis

    Metamorphosis (2007)

    fantazija, triler, horor

    U 17. stoljeću, dok se Mađarska borila protiv Turaka, stanovnici malog sela u Karpatima suočili su se sa zlom groficom Elizabeth Bathory, optuženom da se kupala i pila krv mladih djevica. Grof Thurzo...
  • Ouija Craft

    Ouija Craft (2020)

    fantazija, horor

    After a member of their coven dies in a tragic accident, two witches use an ancient Ouija board to cast a spell that resurrects their friend from the grave, only to find that she is extremely...
  • Sampo

    Sampo (1959)

    fantazija, avantura

    Based on Finnish mythology, this movie traces the exploits of Lemminkainen as he woos the fair Annikki and battles the evil witch Louhi. Louhi kidnaps Annikki to compel her father to build for her a...
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