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Filmovi na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 471

  • Našli smo 8409 rezultata.
  • Žanr: horor
  • Preservation

    Preservation (2014)

    triler, horor

    Three family members head deep into the woods for a hunting trip that doubles as a distraction from their troubles at home. When all of their gear is stolen, they turn on each other, but soon realize...
  • Prey

    Prey (2007)

    drama, triler, avantura, horor

    Inspirirano istinitim događajima. Tamo ste vi ugrožena vrsta. U ovom napetom i zastraąujućem trileru, Bridget Moynahan i Petter Weller su turisti izgubljeni u afričkom rezervatu divljih ľivotinja...
  • Primeval

    Primeval (2007)

    kriminalistički, akcija, avantura, horor

    U jednome od najzabačenijih mjesta na svijetu, serijski ubojica žedan krvi pobio je više od 300 žrtava, i još vreba. Inspiriran istinitom pričom i najpametnijim svjetskim ubojicom, stiže film...
  • Private Number

    Private Number (2014)

    misterija, triler, horor

    A series of cryptic phone messages and visions haunt a writer while he struggles to finish a novel. As they increase in intensity, he loses his grip on reality, eventually obsessing over an old...
  • Psycho Cop Returns

    Psycho Cop Returns (1993)

    drama, triler, horor

    Policajac psihopata odluči ubiti svakoga za koga on pomisli da je prekršio zakon...
  • Pulse

    Pulse (2006)

    naučna fantastika, horor

    Ovaj znanstveno-fantastični triler pokazuje nam što se dogodi kad struja dobije svijest, postane zla i svakodnevne spravice pretvori u zle ubojice. 11-godišnji David Rockland (Joey Lawrence) dolazi...
  • Raccoon Valley

    Raccoon Valley (2018)

    drama, triler, horor

    A plane bearing biohazardous material crashes into a town, and a deaf woman has to navigate her way through the aftermath.
  • Redeu-ai

    Redeu-ai (2004)


    A supernatural story about a mystic events occurring on the train, which had the route similar to the train which crashed many years ago.
  • Reflections

    Reflections (2008)

    drama, kriminalistički, triler, horor

    Kad agenta Evropola, Toma Brindla, pozovu u Barselonu, Španija, da pronađe serijskog ubicu poznatog kao Pigmalion , on dolazi do izuzetnog otkrića. DNK pronađen blizu tela na poslednjem mestu...
  • Rest Stop: Don't Look Back

    Rest Stop: Don't Look Back (2008)

    triler, horor

    Vodnik Tom Hilts (Richard Tillman) vraća se u svoje rodno mjesto kako bi konačno otkrio što se desilo njegovom bratu Jesseu, koji je prije točno godinu dana nestao na putu prema Kaliforniji. Tomu se...
  • Sangre de vírgenes

    Sangre de vírgenes (1967)


    Ofelia's wedding day is approaching and she is to be married to Eduaurdo. She has some pre-wedding jitters during a meeting with her lover Gustavo but decides to tie the knot anyways. On her wedding...
  • Satsujinki o kau onna

    Satsujinki o kau onna (2019)


    When Kyoko was a child her stepfather sexually abused her. She took refuge in the world of fantasy and multiple personalities. Kyoko has three flat-mates now one of whom is a lesbian who is into...
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