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Filmovi na, stranica 5958

  • Loyalties

    Loyalties (1933)

    drama, kriminalistički

    While he's a houseguest at an upper-class gathering, wealthy Jewish man Ferdinand de Levis is robbed of £1,000 with evidence pointing towards the guilt of another guest, Captain Dancy.
  • Man's Castle

    Man's Castle (1933)

    drama, ljubavni

    12 million Americans are out of work. Trina is homeless and hungry when Bill takes her under his wing, showing her a squatter's camp where she can live. She's soon in love with him, making a castle...
  • Me and My Pal

    Me and My Pal (1933)

    kratki, komedija

    It's the morning of Oliver's wedding to oil baron Peter Cucumber's daughter. While waiting for the taxi to take them to the ceremony, Oliver and his best man Stanley become absorbed in a jigsaw...
  • Meet the Baron

    Meet the Baron (1933)

    komedija, ljubavni

    The famous Baron Munchausen dumps two dimwits in the African jungle. A rescue team mistakes one of them for the missing Baron, and returns them to the US, where they're greeted as heroes. While...
  • Midnight Mary

    Midnight Mary (1933)

    drama, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    A young woman is on trial for murder. In flashback, we learn of her struggles to overcome poverty as a teenager -- a mistaken arrest and prison term for shoplifting and lack of employment lead to...
  • Minato no nihonmusume

    Minato no nihonmusume (1933)


    Upečatljivi nemi film Hiroshi Shimizua, na prvi pogled se čini kao konvencionalna romantična bajka, koja uspeva da dočara ljubav, ljubomoru, izazove modernizma tradicionalnim vrednostima... Priča...
  • Morgenrot

    Morgenrot (1933)

    drama, ratni

    In 1915, Captain Liers, commander of a submarine is leaving his hometown, where he, his 2nd officer and the radio-operator, who is married there, spend their shore leave. Liers two brothers were...
  • Morning Glory

    Morning Glory (1933)

    drama, ljubavni

    Priča o nepoznatoj kazališnoj glumici Evi Lovelace, koja još od detinjstva sanja da će jednog dana postati velika zvijezda na Broadwayu. Katharine Hepburn je za ovu ulogu dobila nagradu Oscar za...
  • Moya rodina

    Moya rodina (1933)


  • Murders in the Zoo

    Murders in the Zoo (1933)

    kriminalistički, horor

    Eric Gorman returns with his wife Evelyn from a trip to the Orient collecting zoo animals, having killed a member of his expedition who happened one day to kiss Mrs. Gorman. On board ship Evelyn...
  • Mystery of the Wax Museum

    Mystery of the Wax Museum (1933)

    misterija, triler, horor

    Ivan Igor je vajar u poznatom londonskom muzeju voštanih figura. Kada njegov partner Joe Worth spali muzej zbog novca od osiguranja, Igor ostaje zarobljen unutra. Godinama kasnije se pojavljuje kao...
  • Night Flight

    Night Flight (1933)


    Kao što i naslov kaže, reč je o noćnom letenju. Ono što se danas čini tako lako, nekada je bilo najveća prepreka i opasnost. Ovo je priča o pionirima noćnog letenja, o opasnostima sa kojima su se...

