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Filmovi na, stranica 5981

  • Laughing Sinners

    Laughing Sinners (1931)

    drama, ljubavni

    Cabaret performer Ivy Stevens in an affair with a low-rent traveling salesman is dumped in a 'Dear Jane' letter and finds solace in joining the Salvation Army.
  • Le million

    Le million (1931)

    komedija, mjuzikl

    Komedija. Pariškom umjetniku Michelu (R. Lefevre) za vratom su mnogi kreditori, ali osim njih tu je i ogorčena zaručnica Béatrice (Annabella) koja ga je zatekla u naručju žene čiji je portret slikao...
  • Les cinq gentlemen maudits

    Les cinq gentlemen maudits (1931)

    drama, misterija

    Petorica prijatelja krenu brodom u Maroko nadajući se opuštenom odmoru. Stigli su usred religijske svečanosti i odmah se zamjerili starcu koji im je rekao da je čarobnjak i da je bacio kletvu na...
  • Limite

    Limite (1931)

    drama, ljubavni

    In a drifting small boat, two women and a man recalls their recent past. One of the woman escaped from the prison; the other one was desperate; and the man had lost his lover. They have no further...
  • Little Caesar

    Little Caesar (1931)

    drama, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    Caesar Enrico "Rico" Bandello i Joe Massara, dva sitna provincijska kriminalca dolaze u Chicago u potrazi za srećom i bogatstvom. Dva prijatelja kreću različitim putevima: Joe odlučuje zarađivati za...
  • Lursmani cheqmashi

    Lursmani cheqmashi (1931)

    drama, ratni

    Sympathetic portrayal of a soldier who inadvertently commits sabotage through his ineptitude on the battlefield.
  • M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder

    M - Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (1931)

    drama, kriminalistički, misterija, triler

    Početkom 30-ih godina prošlog stoljeća među stanovnicima jednog njemačkog velegrada nezaustavljivo se širi panika. Psihopat kojem je zasad nemoguće ući u trag siluje i ubija djevojčice, istodobno...
  • Man of the World

    Man of the World (1931)

    drama, ljubavni

    A young American girl visits Paris accompanied by her fiancee and her wealthy uncle. There she meets and is romanced by a worldly novelist; what she doesn't know is that he is a blackmailer who is...
  • Marius

    Marius (1931)

    drama, komedija, ljubavni

    César runs a bar along Marseilles' port, assisted by his 23 year old son, Marius. Colorful characters abound: M. Panisse, an aging widower and prosperous sail maker; Honorine, a fishmonger with a...
  • Mary

    Mary (1931)

    misterija, triler

    A juror in a murder trial, after voting to convict, has second thoughts and begins to investigate on his own before the execution.
  • Mata Hari

    Mata Hari (1931)

    drama, kriminalistički, ljubavni

    During World War I, Mata Hari is a German spy, working in Paris. She has already seduced the Russian general Shubin, and has now set her eyes on lieutenant Rosanov, a young up-and-coming officer. In...
  • Monkey Business

    Monkey Business (1931)

    komedija, mjuzikl

    While stowing away on a ship to America, the boys get involuntarily pressed into service as toughs for a pair of feuding gangsters while trying desparately to evade the ship's crew. After arriving...

