
komedija (2009)

Äntligen midsommar!

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Äntligen midsommar!


Äntligen midsommar!






86 min


Ian McCrudden


Ian McCrudden
, Henrik Engström
, Mattias Grosin
, Erik Hörstadius

Glavne uloge:

Luke Perry
  >  Sam
Annica McCrudden
  >  Maria
Daniel Gustavsson
  >  Emil
Kari Hamfors Wernolf
  >  Katarina
Inga Sarri
  >  Woman in the Street
Lasse Sarri
  >  Folkman
Olle Sarri
  >  Anders
Lisa Werlinder
  >  Susanne
Alexander Karim
  >  Micke
Anna Littorin
  >  Eva
Joanna Tissell
  >  Flight Attendant
Per Wernolf
  >  Patrik


A beautiful waterfront house, a Swedish flag fluttering in the wind. A sailboat tied to the wooden deck below. This is the setting of the friends' annual Midsummer celebrations. The friends are gathered at Emil's family house and the herring lunch, sauna, games and compulsory skinny dipping are as always prepared. Expectations are set - Micke worries about his highly pregnant wife and the fastest way to the nearest hospital. Eva is looking for some distraction from her recent split with Patrick and Sam. Emil's college buddy from the States arrives with his own expectations of Swedish sin. Wannabe singer-songwriter Anders hasn't told his wannabe pregnant girlfriend Maria about his low sperm count and hopes to solve the problem over the weekend. To top it off Emil's surprise seems to lift the party to unprecedented heights. If everything had gone according to plan that is.
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