Hidden in the WoodsPogledaj trailer!


triler (2014)

Hidden in the Woods

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Hidden in the Woods


Hidden in the Woods






98 min


Patricio Valladares


Bradley Marcus
, Kevin Marcus
, Patricio Valladares
, Andrea Cavaletto

Glavne uloge:

Michael Biehn
  >  Oscar Crocker
William Forsythe
  >  Uncle Costello
Chris Browning
  >  Jed James
Mark Burnham
  >  Bull Dog
Mark Gantt
  >  Paul
Andy Mackenzie
  >  Joe Bob James
Ricco Ross
  >  Ricco
Matthew Alan
  >  Steven
Jeannine Kaspar
  >  Ana
Greg Ingram
  >  Simon
Electra Avellan
  >  Anny
Dalton Wyatt
  >  Michael
Krzysztof Soszynski
  >  Costello's Bodyguard
Nick Bateman
  >  Chris
Cody Hackman
  >  Josh


Hidden in the Woods tells the story of two sisters who have been raised in isolation, subjected to the torment of their abusive, drug dealing father. When they finally decide to report him to the police, he kills the two officers and is put in jail. But things go from bad to worse when the girls must answer to their Uncle Costello, a psychotic drug kingpin, who shows up looking for his missing merchandise which is hidden in the woods
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