L'assedioPogledaj trailer!


drama, ljubavni (1998)


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Ocjena korisnika






drama, ljubavni


93 min


Bernardo Bertolucci


Bernardo Bertolucci
, James Lasdun
, Clare Peploe

Glavne uloge:

David Thewlis
  >  Jason Kinsky
Massimo De Rossi
  >  Patient
Maria Mazetti Di Pietralata
  >  Piano Buyer
Veronica Lazar
  >  Piano Buyer
Gian Franco Mazzoni
  >  Piano Buyer (as Gianfranco Mazzoni)
Alexander Menis
  >  Child at concert
Natalia Mignosa
  >  Child at concert
Lorenzo Mollica
  >  Child at concert
Thandiwe Newton
  >  Shandurai
Cyril Nri
  >  Priest
John C. Ojwang
  >  Singer
Paul Osul
  >  Piano Buyer
Elena Perino
  >  Child at concert
Andrea Quercia
  >  Child pianist at concert
Claudio Santamaria
  >  Agostino


When an African dictator jails her husband, Shandurai goes into exile in Italy, studying medicine and keeping house for Mr. Kinsky, an eccentric English pianist and composer. She lives in one room of his Roman palazzo. He besieges her with flowers, gifts, and music, declaring passionately that he loves her, would go to Africa with her, would do anything for her. "What do you know of Africa?," she asks, then, in anguish, shouts, "Get my husband out of jail!" The rest of the film plays out the implications of this scene and leaves Shandurai with a choice.
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