Mang jing


drama, kriminalistički (2003)

Mang jing

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Mang jing


Mang jing




drama, kriminalistički


92 min


Yang Li


Yang Li

Glavne uloge:

Jing Ai
  >  Xiao Hong
Jun Zhao
  >  Miss Ma
Yixiang Li
  >  Song Jinming (as Yi Xiang Li)
Sun Wei
  >  Tang Zhaoxia
Shuangbao Wang
  >  Tang Zhaoyang
Baoqiang Wang
  >  Yuan Fengming
Zhenjiang Bao
  >  First boss
Yining Wang
  >  Mamasan


Two Chinese coal miners have hit upon the perfect scam: murder one of their fellow mine workers, make the death look like an accident, and extort money from the boss to keep the incident hushed up. For their latest "mark," they choose a naive teenager from a small village, and as they prepare to carry out their newest plan, things start to get complicated...
  • Slično za pogledati
  • Komentari (2)
  • Lan feng zheng

    Lan feng zheng (1993)


    The lives of a Beijing family throughout the 1950s and 1960s, as they experience the impact of the Hundred Flowers Campaign, the Great Leap Forward, and the Cultural Revolution.
  • Tian yu

    Tian yu (1998)


    Young teen girl Xiu Xiu is sent away to a remote corner of the Sichuan steppes for manual labor in 1975 (sending young people to there was a part of Cultural Revolution in China). A year later, she...
  • Xiao Wu

    Xiao Wu (1997)


    Little pocket thief Wu never got away from the streets like his friends did. He realises that he is alone, as his old buddy doesn't invite him for his wedding. When he falls in love with a hooker he...
  • Yihe yuan

    Yihe yuan (2006)

    drama, ljubavni

    Country girl Yu Hong leaves her village, her family and her lover to study in Beijing. At university, she discovers an intense world of sexual freedom and forbidden pleasure. Enraptured, compulsive...

Za komentiranje morate biti prijavljeni!

  • Gaca62
    Translator Legend
    25.10.2014. 22:38
  • bojan969
    02.10.2014. 22:18
    Blind Shaft (2003) 
    "Mang jing" (originalni naslov)

    Žanr: Krimi, Drama
    Trajanje: 92 min
    Država: Kina, Nemačka, Hong Kong
    Jezik: Mandarinski

    Režija i scenario: Yang Li


    Qiang Li ... Song Jinming  
    Baoqiang Wang ... Yuan Fengming
    Shuangbao Wang ... Tang Zhaoyang
    Jing Ai ... Xiao Hong


    Dva kineska rudara su smislila savršenu prevaru: idu od jednog do drugog ilegalnog rudnika, 
    ubijaju kolegu u rudniku, njegovu smrt prikazuju kao nesreću i od šefa iznuđuju novac kako bi zataškali incident.
    Za najnoviju žrtvu izabiru naivnog tinejdžera sa sela i dok pripremaju svoj najnoviji plan,
    stvari počinju da se komplikuju...  

    Prevode uradili 
    Deiji  i  Gaca62

    bojan9692014-10-25 23:18:49

