Sun ChokePogledaj trailer!


drama, misterija, triler (2015)

Sun Choke

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Sun Choke


Sun Choke




drama, misterija, triler


83 min


Ben Cresciman


Ben Cresciman

Glavne uloge:

Jim Boeven
  >  Janie's Dad
Barbara Crampton
  >  Irma
Sarah Hagan
  >  Janie
Evan Jones
  >  Attacker
Joe Nieves
  >  Officer Olson
Sara Malakul Lane
  >  Savannah
Diana Nguyen
  >  Paramedic
William Nicol
  >  Boyfriend
Derek Bevil
  >  Paramedic
Annie Read
  >  Savannah's Friend
Christina Amber
  >  Young Janie


As she recovers from a recent violent psychotic break, Janie (Hagan) is subjected each day to a bizarre holistic health and wellness regimen designed, and enforced, by her lifelong nanny and caretaker, Irma (Crampton). Janie begins to veer off the road to recovery when she develops an obsession with a young woman, Savannah (Lane), that Janie feels an inexplicable yet profound connection to. The obsession turns increasingly invasive, and wedges all three women into an ever-tightening, and terrifying struggle for control. Will Janie pull herself back from the precipice of insanity? Or will she go over head-first, taking anyone nearby down with her?
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