The Man in the Sky


drama, triler (1957)

The Man in the Sky

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Ocjena korisnika
The Man in the Sky


Čovjek na nebu




drama, triler


87 min


Charles Crichton


John Eldridge
, William Rose

Glavne uloge:

Donald Pleasence
  >  Crabtree
Jeremy Bodkin
  >  Nicholas Mitchell
Eddie Byrne
  >  Ashmore
Ernest Clark
  >  Maine
Walter Fitzgerald
  >  Conway
Raymond Francis
  >  Jenkins
Jack Hawkins
  >  John Mitchell
Lionel Jeffries
  >  Keith
Megs Jenkins
  >  Mrs. Snowden
Catherine Lacey
  >  Mary's Mother
Gerard Lohan
  >  Philip Mitchell
Victor Maddern
  >  Joe Biggs
Howard Marion-Crawford
  >  Ingrams
Elizabeth Sellars
  >  Mary Mitchell
John Stratton
  >  Peter Hook
Russell Waters
  >  Sim
Esme Easterbrook
  >  Launderette Assistant
Ann Johnson
  >  Cyclist


Kako bi svojoj obitelji osigurao bolji život, testni pilot naumi zadiviti potencijalne kupce prototipom aviona... no stvari ubrzo pođu opasno po zlu.


  • Slično za pogledati
  • Komentari
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