Life After People


naučna fantastika, dokumentarni (2008)

Life After People

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Life After People


Life After People




naučna fantastika, dokumentarni


108 min


David de Vries


David de Vries

Glavne uloge:

David Brin
  >  Himself
Struan Rodger
  >  Himself - Narrator (voice)
Stephen R. Palumbi
  >  Himself (as Steve Palumbi)
Ron Chesser
  >  Himself
Howard Oliver
  >  Himself (as Dr. Howard Oliver)
Sergey Gashchak
  >  Himself
Alex Nickson
  >  Himself
Ray Coppinger
  >  Himself
Gordon Masterton
  >  Himself
Eric Doehne
  >  Himself
Bill Bruninga
  >  Himself
Kevin Harrison
  >  Himself
John Hadidian
  >  Himself
John Anderson
  >  Himself
Nabil Nasr
  >  Himself


Visit the ghostly villages surrounding Chernobyl (abandoned by humans after the 1986 nuclear disaster), travel to remote islands off the coast of Maine to search for abandoned towns that have vanished from view in only a few decades, then head beneath the streets of New York to see how subway tunnels may become watery canals. A visual journey, LIFE AFTER PEOPLE is a thought provoking adventure that combines movie-quality visual effects with insights from experts in the fields of engineering, botany, ecology, biology, geology, climatology, and archeology to demonstrate how the very landscape of our planet will change in our absence.
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  • Life After People

    Life After People (2009)

    naučna fantastika, dokumentarni

    Građevine i razne druge strukture smo izgradili, svakidašnjicu uzimamo zdravo za gotovo, baš kao i domaće i divlje životinje, biljke, drveće. Što bi ostalo od tehnoloških izuma i građevina koje...
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