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Serije na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni

  • Našli smo 1679 rezultata.
  • Žanr: dokumentarni
  • Blue Planet II

    Blue Planet II (2017)


    BBC-ijeva dokumentarna serija “Plava planeta II” je prednastavak slavnog serijala snimanog prije 16 godina. U sedam epizoda u trajanju od 60 minuta, naracijom se bavi legendarni ser Dejvid...
  • Planet Earth II

    Planet Earth II (2016)


    Dejvid Atenborou se vraća na scenu u ovom zapanjujućem dokumentarcu koji prikazuje život na planeti Zemlji.
  • Our Planet

    Our Planet (2019)


    Sasvim novi serijal od osam epizoda predstavlja najdragocjenije vrste na planetu i njihova krhka staništa, otkrivajući nevjerojatna područja na Zemlji na način kako ih nikad do sada nismo vidjeli...
  • Planet Earth III

    Planet Earth III (2023)


    Discover amazing landscapes, the most amazing fights of animals on our planet, from the highest mountains to the deepest oceans, from the darkest caves to the hottest deserts with new technology.
  • Science Fair: The Series

    Science Fair: The Series (2023)


    Kids compete for a coveted seat at the world's most competitive scientific fair, the International scientific and Engineering Fair (ISEF), by using science to tackle some of the most difficult and...
  • Ancient Apocalypse

    Ancient Apocalypse (2022)


    Novinar Graham Hancock putuje svijetom i traži dokaze o postojanju tajanstvenih izgubljenih civilizacija od posljednjeg ledenog doba nadalje.
  • World Eats Bread

    World Eats Bread (2024)


    Delectable documentary chronicling bread's roots across cultures. Each episode unveils a staple loaf's origins, mirroring homelands' history and identity.
  • Episode #1.4

    Episode #1.4 (2022)

    biografski, muzika, dokumentarni

  • Planet Earth

    Planet Earth (2006)


    Filmska ekipa zaslužna za uspjeh dokumentarne serije Plavi planet ponovno je oduševila gledatelje svojim novim portretom našeg planeta. Već godinama BBC prikazuje Zemlju iz svih mogućih kuteva, no...
  • Seven Worlds, One Planet

    Seven Worlds, One Planet (2019)


    Prije mnogo milijuna godina nevjerojatne sile slomile su Zemljinu koru i stvorile sedam kontinenata - svakog sa svojom posebnom klimom, terenom i jedinstvenim životinjskim svijetom. Od šarenog raja...
  • 99

    99 (2024)

    dokumentarni, sportski

    Docuseries highlighting Manchester United's treble-winning season of '99, told through the legendary players and manager, Alex Ferguson.
  • Billy Corgan's Adventures in Carnyland

    Billy Corgan's Adventures in Carnyland (2024)


    Billy juggles his music career with The Smashing Pumpkins, reviving his wrestling promotion National Wrestling Alliance, family life with his fiancée Chloe Mendel and their two kids, in a...
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