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Serije na, stranica 105

  • Secrets of the Jurassic Dinosaurs

    Secrets of the Jurassic Dinosaurs (2023)


    Pratimo međunarodni tim paleontologa dok vrše iskapanja na tajnom nalazištu duboko na američkom Srednjem zapadu kako bi riješili zagonetku u pozadini masovnog groblja dinosaura. Ekipa Mission...
  • See You in My 19th Life

    See You in My 19th Life (2023)

    komedija, ljubavni, fantazija

    Ban Ji-eum može se dovijeka reinkarnirati. Međutim, kada joj 18. život neočekivano završi, odluči u sljedećem pronaći svoju, sada odraslu, ljubav iz djetinjstva.
  • Selftape

    Selftape (2023)

    Follows the real-life Spanish actresses and sisters, Joana Vilapuig and Mireia Vilapuig who, in a personal touch, found fame as teen actresses.
  • Selleobeuriti

    Selleobeuriti (2023)

    drama, misterija, triler

    Slava. Novac. Moć. Seo A-ri preko noći postane zvijezda društvenih medija, no u blještavom svijetu influencera uvijek vrebaju smrtonosne posljedice.
  • Sem Filtro

    Sem Filtro (2023)


    Kada joj dosadi studiranje, Marcely se ispiše s faksa kako bi ostvarila novi životni cilj: postati influencerica. Ali život na internetu teži je nego što se čini...
  • Senda Prohibida

    Senda Prohibida (2023)


    Nora will not hesitate about ruining the peace of a family in order to achieve the life of luxury that she has always dreamed of.
  • Seojinny-ne

    Seojinny-ne (2023)

    realiti tv

    Succeeding 'Youn's Kitchen', Lee Seo Jin will be running a new franchise restaurant abroad that specializes in Korean street food. The show features fellow actors Lee, Jung Yu-mi, Park Seo-joon, Choi...
  • Sex: A Bonkers History

    Sex: A Bonkers History (2023)

    drama, dokumentarni

    Follow the exploration of how sexual behaviour have shaped civilizations long the ages in manners we are only now discovering.
  • Shaka iLembe

    Shaka iLembe (2023)

    drama, istorijski, akcija

    Explores the story of the making of the iconic African king, from his childhood through to adulthood, during the 1700s.
  • Shalyapin

    Shalyapin (2023)

    biografski, drama, istorijski, muzika

    Priča o Fjodoru Šaljapinu, čoveku koji je odrastao u siromašnoj porodici, a pokorio blistavi svet pozorišta i osvojio visine koje pre njega niko nije dostigao. Obožavali su ga milioni, ali da li je...
  • Shanty Town

    Shanty Town (2023)

    drama, kriminalistički, akcija

    A group of courtesans attempts to escape the grasp of a notorious kingpin- but political corruption and blood ties make freedom a near - impossible goal.
  • Shape Island

    Shape Island (2023)

    animirani, komedija

    Follows serious Square, intrepid Circle, and tricky Triangle on their adventures while learning how to navigate each other's differences. Kids will learn that friendship can take many shapes.
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