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Serije na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 9

  • Našli smo 1746 rezultata.
  • Žanr: dokumentarni
  • The Apollo Chronicles

    The Apollo Chronicles (2019)


    Featuring rare archival footage and audio, this epic 4-part miniseries documents one of the greatest accomplishments of the 20th Century. But behind this seminal event is a monumental story filled...
  • The Defiant Ones

    The Defiant Ones (2017)

    biografski, kriminalistički, muzika, dokumentarni, realiti tv

    Četverodijelna dokumentarna serija “The Defiant Ones” redatelja Allena Hughesa priča je o dvojici glazbenih mogula Jimmyju Iovineu - sinu bruklinskog lučkog radnika - i Dr. Dreu - mladića iz Comptona...
  • The Great War

    The Great War (1964)

    dokumentarni, ratni

    One of the greatest achievements of television -broadcast from 1964 in 26 episodes. Use of extensive archive footage and sound effects, linked with contemporary classic music of that area...
  • The Roosevelts: An Intimate History

    The Roosevelts: An Intimate History (2014)


    A documentary that weaves together the stories of Theodore, Franklin and Eleanor Roosevelt, three members of one of the most prominent and influential families in American politics.
  • The Test: A New Era for Australia's Team

    The Test: A New Era for Australia's Team (2020)

    dokumentarni, sportski

    The Australian Mens Cricket Team has been rocked by a cheating scandal, and now they must rebuild their culture and reclaim their status as the world's number one side.
  • The Untold History of the United States

    The Untold History of the United States (2012)


    Dokumentarna serija Olivera Stouna o tajnama i lažima američke istorije. Posle četiri godine prikupljanja materijala, dokumentarna serija od deset nastavaka "Neispričana istorija Sjedinjenih...
  • Vitals

    Vitals (2021)


    Ovaj dokumentarac prikazuje iskustvo prve skupine žrtava bolesti COVID-19, njihove karijere i njihove obitelji tijekom najkritičnijih mjeseci u bolnici Parc Taulí u Sabadellu. Priča je to o borbi...
  • Wise Guy: David Chase and the Sopranos

    Wise Guy: David Chase and the Sopranos (2024)


    Firsthand accounts and revelations from the people who brought the groundbreaking series to life.
  • Wonders of the Universe

    Wonders of the Universe (2011)


    Serija koja prikazuje svemir onako kako ga dosad nismo videli. Ovaj beskonačan, ogroman i kompleksan univerzum bio je predmet ljudske fascinacije i naučnih istraživanja već hiljadama godina. Čuda...
  • Aerial America

    Aerial America (2010)


    Sa serijom "Aerial America" krećemo na uzbudljiv let iznad većeg dijela Sjedinjenih Američkih Država u 18 epizoda posvećenih pojedinim državama te velike federacije. Cijela je serija snimljena u HD...
  • Atom

    Atom (2007)


    The story of the discovery that everything is made from atoms, one of the greatest scientific breakthroughs in history, and the brilliant minds behind it.
  • Battlefield: Vietnam

    Battlefield: Vietnam (1999)

    istorijski, dokumentarni, ratni

    A detailed history of key Vietnam War battles, from 1954 to 1975.
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