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Serije na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 8

  • Našli smo 1746 rezultata.
  • Žanr: dokumentarni
  • Deadman's Curse

    Deadman's Curse (2022)


    In Deadman's Curse, former MMA fighter and prospector Kru Williams and young Indigenous explorer Taylor Starr join seasoned legend hunter and mountaineer Adam Palmer to finally solve the mystery of...
  • Earth at Night in Color

    Earth at Night in Color (2020)


    The moonlit dramas of animals at night, revealing new insights and never before seen behaviors.
  • Earthsounds

    Earthsounds (2024)


    Natural history series under wraps.
  • Headspace: Guide to Meditation

    Headspace: Guide to Meditation (2021)


    Headspace predstavlja prednosti meditacije kroz simpatične animacije, uz tehnike i vođenu meditaciju za poboljšanje vježbi.
  • Incredible Animal Journeys

    Incredible Animal Journeys (2023)


    Humans may believe that they are the greatest explorers in the world, but they are not. Millions of animals migrate across the globe every day on paths that have been used for centuries.
  • Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth

    Joseph Campbell and the Power of Myth (1988)


    Mythologist Joseph Campbell presents his ideas about comparative mythology and the ongoing role of myth in human society.
  • Legacy: Bob Hurley

    Legacy: Bob Hurley (2017)


  • Mayday

    Mayday (2003)

    drama, istorijski, dokumentarni, realiti tv

    Predstavljajte si, da ste ujeti na boeingu 747, nad katerim pilot izgubi nadzor in zato drvite naravnost proti Tihemu oceanu več tisoč metrov spodaj. Pri vsem tem pa preživite in pripovedujete o tem...
  • Nature

    Nature (1982)

    porodični, dokumentarni

    Nature je PBS-ov poznati prirodoslovno-popularni dokumentarni serijal koji se snima skoro 30 godina. Kroz to vrijeme nas je upoznao s mnogim ljepotama flore i faune našega planeta. S emitiranjem je...
  • Prehistoric Planet

    Prehistoric Planet (2022)

    istorijski, dokumentarni

    Dokumentarna serija, uz naraciju najpoznatijeg prirodoslovca Davida Attenborougha i glazbenu podlogu velikog skladatelja Hansa Zimmera, odvest će nas na putovanje 66 milijuna godina u prošlost, kroz...
  • Surgeons: At the Edge of Life

    Surgeons: At the Edge of Life (2018)


    Cameras follow surgeons, anaesthetists, theatre staff and patients at the Queen Elizabeth Hospital Birmingham's surgical unit, where surgeons push medical boundaries to the limit.
  • The American Buffalo

    The American Buffalo (2023)

    talk show, dokumentarni

    A journey through more than 10,000 years of North American history and across some of the continent's most iconic landscapes, tracing the mammal's evolution.
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