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Serije na, Sortirano po IMDB ocjeni, stranica 5

  • Našli smo 1746 rezultata.
  • Žanr: dokumentarni
  • Life in the Undergrowth

    Life in the Undergrowth (2005)


    Filmski stvaraoci su ranije ignorisali beskičmenjake, zbog teškoća sa snimanjem, ali je napredak tehnologije pružio priliku da se ta stvorenja snime na vrlo zanimljiv način. Serija prikazuje...
  • Life Story

    Life Story (2014)


    David Attenbourough narrates on the greatest of all adventures - the journey through life.
  • The Blue Planet

    The Blue Planet (2001)


    Dokumentarni serijal "Plava planeta" vodi nas u do sada neistražene morske dubine i uvodi u njihov čudesni i zastrašujući svet: od svima znanih vrsta, do sasvim neobičnih stvorenja koja su ljudima do...
  • The Day the Universe Changed

    The Day the Universe Changed (1985)

    istorijski, dokumentarni

    This series based on a simple premise, the universe is essentially only how you yourself perceive it. If you change what you know about the universe, then to you, you have essentially changed the...
  • The Vietnam War

    The Vietnam War (2017)

    istorijski, dokumentarni, ratni

    Desetodijelni dokumentarac Kena Burnsa i Lynn Novick priča je o jednom od najznačajnijih i najkotroverznijih događaja u američkoj povijesti. Ovaj serijal istražuje ljudsku ulogu u ratu kroz...
  • TrueSouth

    TrueSouth (2018)


    Tells honest stories about the past, present, and future of the South. In each city, we focus on two restaurants that talk to each other in interesting ways. From barbecue joints to gas station...
  • Victoria Wood's Nice Cup of Tea

    Victoria Wood's Nice Cup of Tea (2013)


    Comedy legend Victoria Wood travels the globe to explore Britain's love affair with tea in a two part special on the little plant that changed the world. From the back streets of Kolkata to the mega...
  • Academy Dreams: Leeds United

    Academy Dreams: Leeds United (2022)


    Academy Dreams is a behind-the-scenes look inside the world-class Leeds United Academy. We follow a team of young players as they try to make it to the top and represent Leeds United in the Premier...
  • Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper

    Extraordinary Birder with Christian Cooper (2023)


    Life-long birder Christian Cooper takes us into the wild, wonderful and unpredictable world of birds.
  • Frozen Planet

    Frozen Planet (2011)


    Znamenita serija kroz koju nas vodi slavni prirodoslovac Sir David Attenborough prikazuje nam zamrznutu divljinu polarnog područja, možda i posljednji put prije nego što se zauvijek promijeni...
  • How the Universe Works

    How the Universe Works (2010)


    Serijal 'Kako funkcionira svemir' odvest će nas na putovanje duboko u svemir i u istraživanje mjeseca, planeta i zvijezda. Kako su apokaliptični sudar planeta i supernova stvoriti naš svijet? Kako...
  • Irak, destruction d'une nation

    Irak, destruction d'une nation (2021)


    From the first days of the Iran-Iraq war in 1980 to the defeat of Daech in 2017, this documentary series tells the story of forty years of conflict that led Iraq to chaos. An Iraqi story as much as...
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